March turned out to be a jam-packed month of external engagements and organisational change, with another full month planned ahead. Following the last meeting, there was a lot of reflection around VicSRC staff activities and some of the engagements that Executive Committee members have been involved in.
From meeting with key political contacts such as The Hon Natalie Hutchins MP, Minister for Education and speaking at The Age Schools Summit that had over 200 attendees, members had positive experience to discuss and report back to the group and the staff that were in attendance.
With ongoing organisational adjustments, the hiring process of our new Policy & Advocacy Manager was reported back on by Billy (he/him) who sat as the Executive Committee representative on the hiring panel. There was also discussions around a new role for the organisation being advertised over the coming couple of weeks, making Billy's insight and experience useful and relevant to the Executive Committee member who will sit on the new panel.
At the beginning of their term, the Executive Committee elects to become part of sub-committees to work with a direct staff member to achieve organisational goals in relation to their area of interest. Some concerns were raised that these sub-committees are not being utilised as frequently as they'd like them to be, so an action was proposed to re-instate these groups and hold regular meetings.
It's an exciting month ahead for both VicSRC and our Executive Committee. While there are less planned external meetings, the Executive Committee April Camp is coming up which provides a space for the Executive Committee and staff to work on actions for our advocacy priorities, learn more about each other and the organisation, and also plan VicSRC's flagship annual event, Congress.
Stay tuned for more over the next month!