Visiting teachers are specialist teachers with expertise and experience in specific disabilities and impairments. They give schools and teachers guidance in supporting engagement and participation of students with disabilities and additional needs. The Victorian Government's proposed job cuts will leave just 32 visiting teachers across the entire state of Victoria.
Student Executive Advisory Committee member, Billy (he/him) shared his thoughts on the proposed cuts:
"These cuts will be detrimental to students lives, and to the inclusive learning experience VicSRC advocates for in a number of our student-led advocacy priorities. This demonstrates how the Department, education providers and organisations need to prioritise the needs of all students and how they learn to create equity in our education system and in our classrooms."
Our Policy & Advocacy Manager, William (he/him) adds, 'Students are telling us that they need more hands-on support to succeed in the classroom, not less. Given students are continuing the feel the impact of an ongoing teacher shortage, this is not the time to be cutting back on essential support for students who need it.'
We urge you to add your name to the AEU's petition to ensure these cuts to integral teacher roles do not continue.