VicSRC membership
VicSRC is the peak body for school-aged students in Victoria, which means students enrolled at any secondary or primary school in Victoria can also become a member of VicSRC and be part of decision making in the organisation.
If you are not currently enrolled in school but are aged 6-17 and live in Victoria you are still eligible to be a VicSRC member.
VicSRC members are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and any Special General Meetings (SGMs).
The AGM is held once a year to update members on VicSRC's work, elect new members of the Board of Trustees and approve any changes to the constitution.
An SGM is held when changes to the constitution need to be approved before the AGM.
VicSRC members are also automatically part of the Student Community, who are kept up to date on our programs and events and elect the Student Executive Advisory Committee each year.
It is free to become a VicSRC Member (and also to join the Student Community - which you can do without becoming a member).
To become a member please complete this form and return to [email protected]