What's it like to be a VicSRC Ambassador

"The VicSRC Ambassadors program has been one of the most amazing and diverse opportunities of my life."

Cut out pictures of students on zoom during the 2021 Ambassadors program with the text 'Hear from a 2021 Ambassador'

The VicSRC Ambassadors program has been one of the most amazing and diverse opportunities of my life. I heard about the program from some students at my school who had been doing the program for a while.

I have got to connect with so many people from across Victoria and from all walks of life. I have become close with my Action Team and am still in contact with them after the 2021 program has come to an end.

The program has allowed me to help make the education system a bit better by working with my Action Team to develop a program for mental health education and support. Our actions included devolving a mental health and harassment survey, developing and planning a series of activities for a mental health awareness day and more. Myself and my peers have delivered some of these actions in our schools and they were a hit!

I have got to be part of so many unique opportunities that I would not have got to be part of if it wasn’t for the Ambassador program, like speaking at conferences and events.

I highly recommend giving the program a go and I hope I see you there in 2022.

Billy, Year 8 Students & 2021 VicSRC Ambassador

Apply for the 2022 Ambassadors program now!